How it happened?

In the previous article,an attempt was made to show case the glimpse of homoeopathy that came 221 years ago. This one is supposed to acquaint our readers with the story behind this miraculous discovery. Here we go…

In 1970, on his regular busy day,Dr.Hahnemann was translating the Cullen’s Materia Medica from English to his native German language. Dr. Cullen was a professor of medicine at London University & published twenty pages of his Materia medica to the therapeutic indications of the Peruvian bark in which he attributed it’s success in the intermittent fever to the fact it was bitter & it’s tonic effects on stomach.

Hahnemann was dissatisfied with this explanations so much so that he did something quite extraordinary: he took the medicine himself! He himself says”I took by way of experiment,twice a day, four drams of good China”. To his great astonishment he was attacked by symptoms very similar to ague or malarial fever. This unexpected result set up in his mind a new train of thoughts & he conducted similar experiments on himself & other individuals. On the basis of successive similar experiments, he came to the conclusion that medicines cure diseases because they can produce similar diseases in healthy individuals. Thus the foundation Stone of homoeopathy was laid.

In year 1796, the discovery was brought in light in essay titled “An Essay on a New Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Powers of drugs and some examination of the previous principles.” It was published  in   Hufeland’s journal vol 2,parts 3 & 4, pages 391-349 & 456 -561.

Thus a new doctrine “Similar Similibus Curanture ” was put forward.



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